Sunday, March 27, 2011



I had a Desert dream…
Devouring seedless Kalahari dates!
I journeyed through a hot sand-filled stream
Thirst burnt my throat… with passions of first love dates
Tossed by fighting dusts…I heard a whirlwind scream
On vampire rocks I landed…my dreams turned to slates
Together all pieces I glued…ready for  a new Oasis dream!

I had a Space dream…
Attending moon’s grand wedding in Mars!
I flew through clouds… playing hide and seek with sunbeam
Weeping rain blurred my vision of flirting stars
Bruised by floating ice… I craved for a blanket of steam
Blinded by a bully flash…a rogue thunder ruptured my old scars
My wounds I nursed…ready for a new Solar dream!

I had a Sea dream….
Swimming with dolphins amidst cheering corals!
Evading storms… explored depths starved of gleam
Hunted by sharks with blood-stained morals
Abused by drunken whales…far from rescue team
On a mucky shore my soul awoke…deformed as ghost murals
My frozen hands I warmed…ready for a new Transatlantic dream!

I had a Poetic dream…
Sculpturing lyrics of sonnets… painted with rhymes of a rainbow!
Mind hypnotized…I massaged my soul with an inspirational cream
Wild weeds of free verses broke in…dressed in rags of a scarecrow
My pen glided in shock as a hacked classified live stream
On senseless stanzas… each reader frowned like a broken bow
Wasted words I erased…ready for a new Shakespearean dream!

2011©Meshack Sewe
 The best way to conquer broken dreams is dreaming new dreams!!..This is my special dedication to a friend  of mine who perished in a road accident with all her family -husband & two kids except their last born who survived the crash.......her determination, and struggles for a better life in a safe place far from her war-torn nation paid off....but sadly, and bitterly, never lasted....from airport heading to their home, on a smooth road,in their car....their lives ended...she was barely 25...with more new family  dreams to accomplish....we shall miss u, Juraia....


simonpoetically said...

wasted words I erased....ready for a new Shakespearean dream

that is creative dream, one any writer would like to have atleast every night

F.A.Ellis said...

What such a lovely poetic piece.I want to thank you for following my blog.I would like if you can follow the other blog as well.
THE HOUSE THAT POET'S BUILT is a blog of expression of my poetry,and others who like to share on this blog
And the other one is:

spread the word you or who ever follows want be disappointed...

Anonymous said...

rich content,perfect rhymes.real poetry

Eileen T O'Neill ..... said...

Awoken Soul,
I have found your blog and your words.
A wonderfully thoughtful tribute to your friends, written with great compassion.

I am adding your Blog to my list as one to follow.
Have you heard of a poetry group called Poets United. I think it would be a good 'window' for your work.
Best wishes, Eileen

Ophelia said...

a beautiful poem.

luv your blog - it makes me feel
as if i've taken a trip around
the world!

Unknown said...

@Simon, yes indeed. Many thanks bro..@Elis, I shall, thanks for your encouraging comment..@"Anonymous" well come,& thanks a! I shall check it out...many thanks...@Ophelia, beautiful comment indeed..thanks a lot.

The Poet said...

I really enjoyed this piece. What a thought-provoking tribute to a dear friend. Please accept my condolences on the passing of your friend & her family. Life can be so cruel at times.

Thank you for becoming a follower. It make me feel that I'm doing something right if readers are willing to keep up with my writing. Your support is much appreciated.

lorely said...

I felt your heart in the loss...especially in the poetic dream...keep writing <3

Margie said...

Wonderful writing!

Jack Edwards Poetry said...

Absolutely brilliant poem. The structure was great and I loved the specific detail in the line :

'Devouring seedless Kalahari dates!'

Unknown said...

@Lorely, Margie and Jack, how wonderful to have you, and read your inspiring comments!

Ann Grenier said...

Wonderful creative images. I enjoyed your poem very much and others I read below.
Thank you for following Knot-in-Line - Welcome!

Anonymous said...

You must be a deep thinker. Ever thought of publishing your poems? I'm working on my blog.Will follow your blog soon.


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