Tuesday, June 28, 2011


On shy chameleon legs….I ones came…
Before thee, a heartless flame!
From a muttering tongue…my pleas oozed…
But…alas!.. your ears had long dozed!
Bundles of sin…to confess I hold
Drunk of my fill…of every cold scold
Will you let go….as now I plead?
Shall I be dismissed-a millipede ‘playing dead’?!
On my bleeding knees I now crawl…
Thirsty for  relief….not a suicide brawl…

Your feathered scalp…I ones explored…
Surrendering each strand….how you implored!
Sipping our wines…of joy and delight…
But, alas! …lightening struck…with blessings of blight!
Bitter fumes condensed….stripping your haggard breath!
Emotions executed…. torn heart cursing to death!
Will you let go…..as now I scream…?
Shall I be tossed- a dry leaf on stream?!
On my bleeding knees I now burn!
Offering my ashes….ready for about-turn…
2011©Meshack Sewe
Hmmm....a personal reflection....on how sometimes we feel overburdened by our own  emotional loads....and crave for relief... by swallowing our pride....owning up....and saying "I'm sorry, please forgive me"


Anonymous said...

I'm not so fond of poems. But your poems are different. So touching and interesting to read.

Shadow said...

i love this... how you weave through your feelings, very artful! and what better way of clarifying our thinking than by writing them down.

Unknown said...

@ Anonymous...nice feeling your words...thanks...@ Shadow, welcome and many thanks for your comments..

The Poet said...

Excellent visuals. Powerful ending.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks also for the visit. Much appreciated.

Unknown said...

Thanks Andy, & you're welcome...


Born deaf to pleading voices of reason… Virtues roasted in sooty smokes each season… Rusty pride and arrogance of d...