Friday, September 23, 2011


Drugged zombies…haunted by stained compassion… and passion
Licking black blood… of illusion… and confusion
Reciting dead prayers…both symbolic… and hyperbolic!
Dancing in toxins…all ionic… and chronic!
But now…it’s too late…all sanity gone… foregone!

Cockroaches on heat…in dark love “spark”
Scampering for cover…from light each night
Cramped in cracks…no space for race
Dreaming of morsels…in bins of sins!
But now…it’s too late… all guilt drank… sank!
Champion stallion…amused by a colt’s revolt
Trotting in leisure...laughing at filly’s willy
Pacing down-slope…as a rider’s strider
Galloping away… from a mare’s stare
But now…it’s too late…all hooves torn… worn!

Sweet Katrina gone insane…now a hurricane!
Carefree agitations….as night time  erections!
Married to Sarus cranes…mating in murky lanes
Leaking nest unthatched…cursed eggs unhatched
But now…it’s too late…all wings broken…heartbroken!

2011©Meshack Sewe life,when our wicked ways,  secret schemes,  or  shameless pride take us too far ,  too far to appreciate others for their worthiness...too far to recover all those we have lost...a time comes  for paying the full price...when it's  TOO LATE, beware!...before it's too late!...


lorely said...

Is it ever too late?!

Unknown said...

hmm...thanks for the visit...and yes lorely, if we waste too much time...if we take too long to make a mends...there is an "expiry date" for, time should always guide us...before it's too late!

void said...

This poem is beautiful, with such vivid imagery and beautifully crafted lines.

Ed Pilolla said...

light from each night and colt's revolt i liked best of all. very nicely written.

Unknown said...

thanX B utterly 4r visiting my blog farm and patching on it's flowers... painting them bright!...@ feels beautiful to hear that...thnx u..@ Pilolla,..hmm... I'm so much glad...thanx 4r that & 4r passing by..

rch said...

Wow there's a lot here with some really awesome internal rhyming and play on words, sorry I haven't stopped by sooner.

Unknown said...

It's nice hearing from you rch..thanks...well, I'm a poor slave of rhymes...& playing with words is part of my crimes!!

Nitin Jain said...

sometimes we let things happen until its too late..out of habit, circumstances or shear lethargy ! very nicely written poem, I must say !

fransk oversetter said...

Sometimes we realize it's too late, hopefully we will react faster to that gut feeling next time.

Unknown said...

Nitin and fransk, I can't agree with you more. Many thanks indeed for visiting and dropping great comments!

Peaches Ledwidge said...

Powerful image.

Unknown said...

Powerful comment Peaches...many thanks indeed.


Born deaf to pleading voices of reason… Virtues roasted in sooty smokes each season… Rusty pride and arrogance of d...