Thursday, December 1, 2011


Tarmac road feeds on torture….as wheels harvest life’s highway mileage
Opposing wind wheezes in pain…pedals pressed to chase mirage
Slow-down sign posts thrown into pits…destination lyrics sang in haste
Tortoise sermons pass by unheard…inflated egos with patience as waste
Safety belts endure rough escapades…pedestrians greeted with fumes backward
At last!  A long drive comes to a halt…no flames of zeal to move forward
Tubeless tires embrace deflation…traffic jam ignites frustration
Pleasure-baked urgencies die off…diluted by dusk’s burning exhaustion

Sleep-fed night sighs… relieved of   darkness labor pain
Sweet baby Sun is born …warmly received as summer rain
Slumber land joys drowned… by courtship kisses of day-time deals
Pregnant sweat streams burst…toilers' nails hunt for daily meals
Youthful teeth laugh at the old… drunk of temporary daylight thrust
At last! A tired day retires…all bones soaked in wools of rust
Life-combed hairs surrender their glow…dressed in uniforms all grey
Green grasses doze off…turned to dead dry heaps of hay!

Queen of olive skin to live and die for...flamboyantly natural as tropical garden
Alluring scent leaving senses paralyzed…true rainbow colours of a proud maiden
Flamingo legs with feathers to match…sky is the limit with life at its peak
Packages exposed for eyes to devor…ripe fruits pricked when currencies speak
Motherhood dreams roasted alive…bed time stories with strange subscribers
At last! Olive skin dries…no more Networks from Service Providers!
Wardrobe mirror stares in pain…no wrinkled hand to sooth an aging face
Perfume bottles all turned antique…no fruits of love to hold and embrace.
2011©Meshack Sewe
Tik! Tok! Tik! Tok!!..Our speedy and carefree lifestyle not withstanding....our hairs will slowly and surely grey....and we shall be humbled..

Friday, September 23, 2011


Drugged zombies…haunted by stained compassion… and passion
Licking black blood… of illusion… and confusion
Reciting dead prayers…both symbolic… and hyperbolic!
Dancing in toxins…all ionic… and chronic!
But now…it’s too late…all sanity gone… foregone!

Cockroaches on heat…in dark love “spark”
Scampering for cover…from light each night
Cramped in cracks…no space for race
Dreaming of morsels…in bins of sins!
But now…it’s too late… all guilt drank… sank!
Champion stallion…amused by a colt’s revolt
Trotting in leisure...laughing at filly’s willy
Pacing down-slope…as a rider’s strider
Galloping away… from a mare’s stare
But now…it’s too late…all hooves torn… worn!

Sweet Katrina gone insane…now a hurricane!
Carefree agitations….as night time  erections!
Married to Sarus cranes…mating in murky lanes
Leaking nest unthatched…cursed eggs unhatched
But now…it’s too late…all wings broken…heartbroken!

2011©Meshack Sewe life,when our wicked ways,  secret schemes,  or  shameless pride take us too far ,  too far to appreciate others for their worthiness...too far to recover all those we have lost...a time comes  for paying the full price...when it's  TOO LATE, beware!...before it's too late!...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Green-eyed darkness swallows my thirsty sight
Walls in vain I beseech… for an escape site
Solemn prayers I murmur… answered by echoes of light
My glass… smiles with hope…dressed in rays so bright
In relief I soar… as a desert kite
Free at last… free at last… from gloom’s fury  bite
But now… my glass is shattered…I ‘m  a homeless mite!

Untamed lightening winks…its sharp voice astounds
My glass… parries all fears…gobbling deafening sounds
A murderous spider crawls … away from soaked mounds
My glass… oils its path……destination reversed to grounds!
Glutton vampire …on my trails…with pangs of bloodhounds
My glass… blocks all my scents…external stiffing never counts
But now… my glass… is shattered…I ‘m trapped where risk abounds!

A great paradox…my eyes see not my face!
My mirror… how loyal...defines me with grace…
Forward sings my vision…undressing contents of lace!
My glass… back-spies…keen on dangers to trace
A tired foot curses… in pain…too tortured to keep pace
My glass… magnifies my strength…keeping me in the race
But now… my glass… is shattered…I’m drowning in mucky disgrace!
2011©Meshack Sewe
Hmmm...our lives are full of "glasses".....which often get shattered......leaving us in tatters!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


On shy chameleon legs….I ones came…
Before thee, a heartless flame!
From a muttering tongue…my pleas oozed…
But…alas!.. your ears had long dozed!
Bundles of sin…to confess I hold
Drunk of my fill…of every cold scold
Will you let go….as now I plead?
Shall I be dismissed-a millipede ‘playing dead’?!
On my bleeding knees I now crawl…
Thirsty for  relief….not a suicide brawl…

Your feathered scalp…I ones explored…
Surrendering each strand….how you implored!
Sipping our wines…of joy and delight…
But, alas! …lightening struck…with blessings of blight!
Bitter fumes condensed….stripping your haggard breath!
Emotions executed…. torn heart cursing to death!
Will you let go… now I scream…?
Shall I be tossed- a dry leaf on stream?!
On my bleeding knees I now burn!
Offering my ashes….ready for about-turn…
2011©Meshack Sewe
Hmmm....a personal reflection....on how sometimes we feel overburdened by our own  emotional loads....and crave for relief... by swallowing our pride....owning up....and saying "I'm sorry, please forgive me"

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Insane night-rain …loudly weeps and pounds…
Ejecting termites from their paradise mounds…
Bright darkness paints their virgin eyes blind
Flamboyant wings nipped by drunkard wind
On land they shock, nude and cold
Lusty eyes laugh…glutton tongues spread as mold
Their fate… soon sealed…with traps they can’t spell
Their past…soon history…. temporary tales to tell

A tired Sun dies smiling….burying a sweaty day’s fright
Homeless bird inhales…frozen fumes of mist all night!
A hosting tree cries foul…abused by bird’s care-free poop
Leaves’ chilly tears flow …deformed feathers scared of swoop
Irritated branches fight back… lone visitor pushed and tossed!
Hunger burns for a new day….far from a host damn crossed
Bells of dawn…soon ring… melodies spiced with optimism
Time to nest…soon arrives…no more patching on fatalism

Days of a kitten…pampered by warmth of kitchen
Endless games of scrabble…chasing feathers of chicken
Innocent paws craving to tease and tickle…wrestling bored dog-tail
Live rat-meal tortured with joy… its death casual as serving cocktail!
Siblings play hide-and-seek…scratching, jumping, and stalking under
Purrs and meows resonate….lullaby licks of fur before slumber
Playful days…soon wither… more roles of indoor kitty  
A new error with new errors…soon descend...with its nitty-gritty

2011©Meshack Sewe
My personal reflection on how SOON situations change..with soon you'll never tell... a life to behold radiating richness on a face...SOON defaced with shutters of joy SOON shattered...left in tatters....with SOON a frowning moon SOON wears a romantic smile.....buried dreams spout with life..hmm...just wait....& SOON you'll notice that SOON surely comes!!!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011



I had a Desert dream…
Devouring seedless Kalahari dates!
I journeyed through a hot sand-filled stream
Thirst burnt my throat… with passions of first love dates
Tossed by fighting dusts…I heard a whirlwind scream
On vampire rocks I landed…my dreams turned to slates
Together all pieces I glued…ready for  a new Oasis dream!

I had a Space dream…
Attending moon’s grand wedding in Mars!
I flew through clouds… playing hide and seek with sunbeam
Weeping rain blurred my vision of flirting stars
Bruised by floating ice… I craved for a blanket of steam
Blinded by a bully flash…a rogue thunder ruptured my old scars
My wounds I nursed…ready for a new Solar dream!

I had a Sea dream….
Swimming with dolphins amidst cheering corals!
Evading storms… explored depths starved of gleam
Hunted by sharks with blood-stained morals
Abused by drunken whales…far from rescue team
On a mucky shore my soul awoke…deformed as ghost murals
My frozen hands I warmed…ready for a new Transatlantic dream!

I had a Poetic dream…
Sculpturing lyrics of sonnets… painted with rhymes of a rainbow!
Mind hypnotized…I massaged my soul with an inspirational cream
Wild weeds of free verses broke in…dressed in rags of a scarecrow
My pen glided in shock as a hacked classified live stream
On senseless stanzas… each reader frowned like a broken bow
Wasted words I erased…ready for a new Shakespearean dream!

2011©Meshack Sewe
 The best way to conquer broken dreams is dreaming new dreams!!..This is my special dedication to a friend  of mine who perished in a road accident with all her family -husband & two kids except their last born who survived the crash.......her determination, and struggles for a better life in a safe place far from her war-torn nation paid off....but sadly, and bitterly, never lasted....from airport heading to their home, on a smooth road,in their car....their lives ended...she was barely 25...with more new family  dreams to accomplish....we shall miss u, Juraia....

Friday, January 28, 2011


Vultures patching on political clouds…not bothered by underdog weights!
God gracious! How grand are your heavenly gates!
Blood-stained claws thirsty for human meat…milking dry your Earthly mates!
Menus void of world’s bitter herbs…delicacies dance in your silver plates!
Sparkling tail winking to sexy stars…the wingless used as roller- skates!
BUT read my lips! Clouds will cry…
… and their tears will poison your heartless traits!

A rebel bee cruising in the dark…gulping nectar from flowers of the night!
Buzzing sound unheard……a noisy stealth of a rogue Knight!
Succulent leaves wildly caressed…fruits crashed and devoured with might!
Big-eyed darkness ever laments… for buds you nip with evil delight!
Restless tongue oiled with words….preys skinned without a fight!
BUT read my lips! Darkness will burn…
…and its smokes will curse your blinded sight!

A helpless cockroach sitting on its back…. legs imploring an ear-less air!
Struggling wings strangled in mud…escape walls all thin as hair!
Waterless rains cease not to pound…..stirring with joy pepper-dust despair!
Scented flowers for nostrils to lust…igniting flames of starved love affair!
Starch-less bread baked with sandy flour…..teeth muttering mute for a life damn unfair!
BUT read my lip! The Sun will smile…
…and its rays will brighten your freedom Stair!

2011©Meshack Sewe
 ...whether you are a Sky Dragon, a Night Snake, or an Innocent will never rest until your dragon tongue is cut....your poisonous fangs are uprooted......and your your bruised soul is this world...lasts forever....our world never forgets to a shame...and  to reward where it is due...READ MY LIPS!


Born deaf to pleading voices of reason… Virtues roasted in sooty smokes each season… Rusty pride and arrogance of d...